Metadata describe spatial data sets and services like a label describing the content of a product. They are used to find spatial data sets and services in a spatial data infrastructure.
What has to be done?
Are you a data provider and provide INSPIRE-relevant spatial data sets and services? Then you have to describe them with metadata and thereby fulfil the requirements of the Commission Regulation implementing the INSPIRE Directive regarding metadata. Usually, metadata editors are offered in the federal states, which you can use free of charge for the creation of metadata.
The contact points at federal and federal state level will be happy to advise you and support you in metadata creation!
How do we implement the INSPIRE requirements for metadata in the GDI-DE?
In the SDI Germany (GDI-DE) the Working Group Metadata accompanies the implementation of INSPIRE requirements in the field of metadata. In the Working Group Metadata the INSPIRE requirements were analysed and are considered in the GDI-DE document "Architektur der Geodateninfrastruktur Deutschland - Konventionen zu Metadaten" (in German only). The document defines the basic (national) requirements and recommendations for the creation and provision of metadata in the GDI-DE.
The Working Group Metadata is happy to advise you on questions concerning the technical implementation of the INSPIRE requirements on metadata!
Whether your metadata meets the requirements of INSPIRE or the national requirements and recommendations on metadata, this can be checked with the validation tool GDI-DE Testsuite.
The Regulation implementing the INSPIRE Directive as regards metadata has been in force since 24.12.2008. It is directly applicable in each Member State.
Further information on the technical implementation of the INSPIRE metadata requirements can be found in the GDI-DE Wiki (only in german).