Steering Committee
The Steering Committee SDI Germany (LG GDI-DE) is the strategic decision-making body of the SDI Germany. It controls and coordinates the implementation and further development of the SDI Germany including the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive (RL 2007/2/EC). The LG GDI-DE also acts as the national contact point of the European Commission for the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive.
The federal government is represented as well as all federal states and the three municipal head associations. Representatives from industry and science also participate in an advisory capacity.
The steering committee meets twice a year. Decisions are generally taken unanimously in the steering committee. The members of the steering committee receive a coordinated mandate from the committees in their respective areas of responsibility (federal government, federal states, municipalities). The votes are not weighted when decisions are taken.
Activity reports of the Chair of the Steering Committee (only german):