Spatial Data Infrastructure Germany connects
SDI Germany
Competence through cooperation
Since 2005, the federal, state and local governments have been working together to achieve one goal: to make public geodata available in a web-based, networked and standards-based spatial data infrastructure - the Spatial Data Infrastructure Germany (GDI-DE). The GDI-DE was brought into being by the initiative of the head of the Federal Chancellery and the heads of the state and senate chancelleries together with the Working Group of State Secretaries for E-Government. They commissioned the establishment of a federally supported national spatial data infrastructure, which was successfully implemented by developing the architecture of the GDI-DE and setting up and operating the national technical components. The basis for the actions of the GDI-DE is an administrative agreement between the parties involved. In this agreement the partners have agreed to establish the GDI-DE and to integrate it into the EU project INSPIRE. The costs are borne jointly by the federal and state governments. Today, the GDI-DE is continuously developing the national technical components as well as the architecture of the GDI-DE. The concrete tasks and measures result from the decisions of the Steering Committee SDI Germany (Lenkungsgremium GDI-DE). They are defined on the basis of the National Spatial Data Strategy (NGIS).
The Steering Committee SDI Germany
In the steering committee, representatives of the federal government, the states and the municipal umbrella organisations discuss and decide on the strategic orientation of the GDI-DE and the work programme. The steering committee reports to the IT Planning Council, the steering committee for federal cooperation in the IT sector. The steering committee also acts as the European Commission's national contact point for the implementation of Directive 2007/2/EC (INSPIRE). more information
The coordination office GDI-DE
The coordination office advises the steering committee, prepares its decisions and organises the implementation of the decisions taken. It is based at the Federal Office of Cartography and Geodesy in Frankfurt am Main. more information
The technical operation GDI-DE
The technical operation ensures the availability of the national technical components of the GDI-DE. The steering committee has commissioned the Federal Office of Cartography and Geodesy with this task. Therefore, the technical operation of the GDI-DE is also based in Frankfurt am Main and works closely with the GDI-DE coordination office. more information
The contact points of the federal and state governments
The GDI contact points are established in all federal states and at the federal level. They support the coordination office in the implementation of the measures decided by the LG GDI-DE and advise the geodata holding authorities in their area of responsibility in the provision of their data for the GDI-DE and INSPIRE. more information
The communicative centre - GDI-DE Wiki
Due to its structure, the GDI-DE is not only a technical infrastructure. It is also a network in which the coordinating office cooperates with the contact points of the federal and state governments. The municipalities are integrated into the network via the contact points of the federal states. Working groups within the GDI-DE prepare expert knowledge and create the basis for decisions and standards. The coordination office also participates in projects and initiatives from politics, science and industry.
The communicative centre of the network is the GDI-DE Wiki, a specially created web platform. In addition to the working environment, the Wiki also provides a wealth of publicly accessible information about the GDI-DE.
The web platform of the GDI-DE offers a lot of information about the current activities of the GDI-DE. The GDI-DE Wiki enables registered users to actively participate in the exchange within the network. to the GDI-DE Wiki