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Europaflaggen auf Fluß

Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe

Person tippt auf Handy in der Hand

National Spatial Data Strategy

Hände die Puzzleteile in die Luft halten
SDI Germany

Competence through Cooperation

Welcome to the SDI Germany

The Spatial Data Infrastructure Germany (SDI Germany) is a joint project of the Federal Government, the Länder and local authorities to make their spatial data available in a standardised and simple way via the Internet. The SDI Germany is integrated into the European Spatial Data Infrastructure created by the INSPIRE Directive.

Publicly provided geodata of the federal, state and local governments can be searched, found and used by interested users via the

Personen die auf Besprechungstisch Blätter ordnen
Working group Architecture:

News on the technical and strategic foundations

As a joint project of the federal and state governments, opens up a view of the contents of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Germany (SDI Germany). As the central access point to geodata and geodata services of the SDI Germany, all georesources in Germany can be found here without any geographical or technical limitations. 

Search for geodata and geodata services now and be inspired by the range of services offered by the SDI Germany!